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Have you ever been involved in a case between a bicyclist and a pedestrian?

Yes, quite a number of times. As a matter of fact, I have a major case right now where an elderly woman and her husband were walking down a trail in Marin County and a young bicyclist, a college student, was on an organized college trip, a bicycle trip, ran into her from behind, knocked her down, broke her nose, caused a concussion, fractured bones in her wrists and her hands and may have had even some fractured ribs. She still suffers greatly now. The bicyclist admitted that he was at fault. Of course, hitting somebody from behind, he would be at fault under almost every conceivable set of circumstances. So what happens here is that fortunately, the boy’s family has a homeowner’s insurance policy and the homeowner’s insurance policy provides coverage compensation for my client and her husband for their claim.

Also, he was on an organized college trip. As part of that, the university where he attends school is also providing coverage. So yes, I’ve had a number of cases where I’ve had serious injuries from bicyclists who’ve hit my clients who were pedestrians or joggers. And when the bicyclist hits the person from behind which is usually what happens, it’s almost always the bicyclist’s fault, and homeowner’s insurance, if you can get it, will provide coverage.