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When a car crash results in a catastrophic injury

Car accidents cause a ripple effect in a person’s life. Damage to property may prove a nuisance, but when the body bears the brunt of the impact, the recovery may appear bleak.

Catastrophic injuries occur when the impact to the body results in pervading and life-changing results. This class of injuries occurs most often in car crashes. Our team of professionals wants to ensure that information regarding these injuries finds itself to those who need it. When an accident results in catastrophic injuries, life may look drastically different than it once did.

Traumatic brain injury

A skull injury may cause serious issues underneath the surface. The brain is a complex organ, responsible for conducting all body functions. When injured, it behaves erratically, misfiring and failing to send the signals for things like movement or thinking. Emotions may become off balance. A person with a brain injury may lose the ability to speak, forget loved ones or no longer have a sense of smell. Because damage to the brain may create severe and permanent disability, it remains a top example of catastrophic injury.

Spinal cord injury

The spinal cord’s fibers make up a network of pathways that allow neural transmissions to and from the brain. Along with the brain, it makes up the central nervous system. The spinal cord makes it possible to feel pain and move. Each section of the cord correlates to a function, and when it suffers an injury, the corresponding function of the body may cease to work. A car crash may inflict severe trauma to the spine and leave a person with partial or complete paralysis. The severity of the damage to a person’s life deems the injury catastrophic.

A person may suffer other injuries in a car crash that may also qualify as catastrophic. Visit our webpage for further insight.

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