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Dangerous Road Conditions

Road Defect Accidents in California

Dangerous road conditions and street defects are the cause of many car accidents in California. Such conditions include broken pavement, missing guardrails and inadequate storm sewers (which lead to flooding and standing water). Just like any private organization, cities, counties and states are held responsible for maintaining the safety of public property.

At the Law Office of Reuben J. Donig, we represent people injured in San Mateo County and throughout the surrounding areas of California. Let our lawyer put his decades of experience to work for you.

Was Your Auto Accident Caused By Dangerous Conditions?

For those seriously injured in an auto collision or rollover in which at least part of the crash was caused by dangerous conditions on a private or public road, there are several potential sources of compensation. Insurance policies are just one of the compensation sources that may cover your lost wages and medical costs. Because the costs that come with a catastrophic injury such as paralysis or brain damage are substantial, it is important that all sources of compensation are identified.

You May Have A Claim Against A Government Agency

Your circumstances may allow you to file a claim against the city, county, or state highway department for failing to prevent or correct a dangerous road condition. With over 40 years of experience as an attorney, San Francisco Bay Area lawyer Mr. Donig has a wealth of experience in handling motor vehicle accident claims. He warns that the deadlines for filing a claim against the government are strict, so it is important to move quickly to preserve your right to compensation through such a claim.

Set Up A Free Consultation

Call the Law Office of Reuben J. Donig at 650-668-3600, or contact us by email to learn more about your rights and options.