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Unusual injuries: Top 3 most dangerous trees

Every year, countless individuals file lawsuits for injuries they incur. Often, personal injury cases involve vehicle accidents, faulty products or negligent practices. Sometimes, however, situations are more unusual.

Have you ever considered what kind of dangers trees might present? If you are like most people, probably not. Nonetheless, there have been instances when falling tree branches have led clients to pursue and win financial compensation for tree-related injuries. When it comes to random branch dropping, these three trees have some of the highest risk.

1. Eucalyptus trees

Common in the state of California, the eucalyptus tree is often a beautiful sight. When the trees are thirsty, however, things can become dangerous. When a eucalyptus tree lacks sufficient water, it responds by dropping its branches. At other times, a eucalyptus tree may also drop its branches because of a fungus infection called Phytophthora.

2. Oak trees

Another tree that is especially susceptible to branch drop is the oak tree. Although tree experts disagree on the reasons for this, there are two primary beliefs. According to some, the humidity of tree leaves causes the tree’s structure to weaken due to the moisture. Others believe the issue is because of internal bacteria.

3. Elm trees

For debated reasons similar to those of the oak trees, elm trees are another kind of vegetation that can have heavy branches that unexpectedly drop from the sky. Whether due to humidity or internal problems, however, the risk of injury remains.

While it may not be something you think about very often, there is a risk of falling tree branches whenever you are around large trees. Who knew?

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