When suffering through a car crash, it is likely a victim will also suffer from injury to the head, neck, brain or skull. Different factors can impact the type of injury faced and the severity, but all head injuries can potentially create long-term repercussions if not treated.
Due to the fact that these injuries could potentially cause long-term issues for sufferers, so it is crucial to know the signs that can indicate them.
Physical signs of skull trauma
Merck Manual discusses the impact of skull fractures. They often manifest in both physical and neurological symptoms, some of which may appear sooner than others. In terms of strictly physical signs, you may notice bruising around the eyes or behind the ears. This is due to the fact that blood inside the skull might collect at hollow points, such as the aforementioned areas.
Blood can also collect behind the eardrums and may leak out through the ears if the eardrums end up punctured. On top of that, cerebrospinal fluid – clear fluid that exists on the surface of the brain between the meninges – may leak through the ears or out from the nose.
Potential neurological red flags
Neurological symptoms can include migraine or headache, nausea and vomiting, or numbness and immobility in some or all limbs. Victims may experience seizures, loss of balance, lack of coordination and trouble speaking or seeing. On top of that, sleepiness and confusion may occur, along with an inability to recognize people or surroundings.
If any of these signs come to light, it is crucial to get immediate medical attention. This is one of the best ways to ensure long-term damage does not result from this injury.