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Any other cases involving an accident between a bicyclist and a pedestrian?

Oh sure, I’ve had a number of them. One that I had not too long ago involved a very physically fit and active man. He worked for a car dealership in the repair shop and he was jogging up on Cañada Road in San Mateo when a professional bicyclist struck him from behind. Now, the professional bicyclist veered into the jogging lane, we believe, and struck him from behind. There was some dispute. The bicyclist claimed that my client who was jogging veered left into him, but ultimately we were able to establish, especially since my client was hit from behind, that it was the bicyclist’s fault even though he was a guy who had participated in all these races and did 50 miles at a time on a bicycle all the time, it was his fault. My client suffered severe fractures in his hand, he had to have surgery, he was off work because he couldn’t do his job for several months. So it was a fairly substantial claim, and fortunately the bicyclist had good homeowner’s insurance. They ultimately ended up paying fair compensation to my client.